Month: August 2024

Interview with a Keeper – Elizabeth Shikito Randall from Shikito’s Critter’s

What started your passion for reptiles and getting involved in the hobby?

It started from dinosaurs and camping. My grandad has taken me and my sisters camping since we were babies. I learnt how to track animals and identify tracks etc. Out in the bush you come across a lot of reptiles, especially over in WA. My grandad isn’t very fond of snakes so whenever we came across a snake, we’d always leave it alone. I spent a lot of my childhood catching lizards, camping, fishing etc. Once I was 12, we moved to Brisbane and that’s where the passion for reptiles really kicked off. I had spent the last few years researching and trying to get grandad to allow me to have a snake. Once I was 13, I got my first job at a pet shop that had reptiles. I spent the majority of the time at work, working with the reptiles. Not too long after that I got my first snake. Which was a coastal carpet python. A year later I got another snake, a high yellow mix jungle carpet python. It’s snow balled from there.

What age did you start your Journey?

I was 13 years old was when I had my first snake. When I was 7, my mum got a Stimson’s python, but we didn’t have it long.

What species do you keep?

 I keep quite a few different species now. I currently have carpet pythons, spotted pythons, bredli carpet pythons, green tree pythons, lace monitors, ackie monitors, northern velvet geckos, freckled monitor, white lipped python, olive pythons, shingleback, blue tongue, green tree monitors and a rough knob tailed gecko.

What is your favourite species and why?

Monitors are by far my favourite. My overall favourite species is a blue tree monitor, however we can’t keep them in Australia, so my second favourite is my green tree monitors. Specifically, my male, Fralon. Monitors are such intelligent animals and they test their keeper! They are so interactive. My lace monitors are my second favourite. I love using puzzle feeders (the ones you get for dogs) for my laceys, and they loved it too. It is quite entertaining to watch your animal figure out a puzzle.

Do you breed your animals, and what is your secret?

I have successfully bred carpet pythons, green tree pythons and ackie monitors.
I don’t really have any secrets. I just do the research and apply what I’ve learned. This season I am really testing people’s theories on breeding green tree pythons. So hopefully my research pays off – watch this space.

What would you tell your younger self about the hobby?

I would probably tell my younger self to ignore the haters. There is always going to be negative people in your life, just ignore them. Most bullies are just jealous of your success. Research as much as you can. If you make mistakes, LEARN from them.

Any projects you’re working on or towards?

Lots haha – This season I’ve got a tiger jag carpet python project and my most awaited chimera/paradox project, and maybe some albino paradox olive pythons.
In the future, green tree monitors and white-lipped pythons are the next big projects I’m working towards.  

What is your favourite pairing?

Aurora is probably one of my favourite carpet pythons I own. She is a chimera 100% het axanthic 100% het albino. I have paired her back to her dad to see if I can produce some other cool looking paradoxes. 

Any advice for people wanting to get a reptile as a pet?

Its probably what everyone says, but RESEARCH!
Watch YouTube videos, listen to podcasts, read Facebook posts, talk to breeders etc. You can never do enough research. What I do as well, is research the species in the wild. Find scientific articles online about your species, how they interact with their environment, their diet, the temperatures where they live etc. That will give you a further understanding of the species.

# Side note from Cool Vibes Reptile:
Elizabeth is a well respect QLD enthusiast and has been the founder of the current series of Reptile Expos conducted in QLD (Brisbane for last 2 years) where her and the Reptile Society she has established aims to educated and introduce these amazing species to the general public to promote and grow the hobby. She is supported in this endeavour by some of QLDs best breeders, reptile education peers and accessory people that grow the hobby. Exciting news for 2025 – there are two expos she is conducting. One on the Sunshine Coast and one at our current amazing location in Brisbane. Get along in April 2025 and immerse yourself in this amazing hobby and all it has to offer.

Where can people find out more about you and your animals?

On Facebook my page is Shikito’s Critters. I do have Instagram as well, but I don’t really post much on there.

Depends! Right now, it’s probably Maccas

Tea. Specifically, the “Australian Afternoon” tea by Twinning’s.

Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros (Can’t wait for the next one!)

Bush all the way!

That is a real tossup between Daisy the lace monitor and Fralon the green tree monitor. I would probably choose Fralon as he is easier to care for.

Take everyone’s advice and do your own research. One keepers’ way of keeping their reptile might not work for you. Research how that species lives in the wild and replicate it!

Elizabeth Shikito Randall

Elizabeth Shikito Randall

Shikito's Critters
Facebook and Instagram
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