Month: February 2024

Interview with a Keeper – Sarah Brasier of Eleven Serpents

What started your passion for reptiles and getting involved in the hobby?

I’ve always had a huge passion for animals and found snakes fascinating as a kid. They weren’t the average pet and I loved to research them. After begging my mum to get one and the weeks spent waiting for my licence to arrive, I dragged her down to the pet shop right away. The best part was I could keep this pet in my room and it was solely mine! Honestly my passion for snakes has done nothing but grow and I didn’t know I would be more obsessed with them today than I was as a kid. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

What age did you start your journey?

I was 15 when I got my first snake.

What species do you keep?

I have both children’s pythons and carpet pythons of various morphs.

What is your favourite species and why?

Honestly, it is hard to say. I love carpet pythons for their variety and the many different visuals morphs that exist today, but I am also really excited to see where the antaresia species goes in terms of what visuals might exist into the future. I would have to say I have a soft spot for children’s pythons.

Do you breed your animals, and what is your secret?

Yes, I do breed my reptiles. Honestly no secret, just A LOT of patience and research. Everything I know today I have learnt from other breeders and their extensive knowledge. I believe no one is an expert particularly in this field. There is always something new to learn. There is a lot of trial and error but I find learning from others’ mistakes and what works for them is a good place to start. Finding a breeder who is willing to guide you along the way makes a huge difference. Husbandry is also very important in keeping happy snakes and will set you on the right course to achieving your goals.

What would you tell your younger self about the hobby?

To engage with older experienced breeders sooner. I was lucky to buy from a great pet shop privately owned by some incredibly knowledgeable keeper but I would definitely tell the younger me to ask more questions. This industry is much bigger than I ever could have imagined and little did I know how much I would be using punnet squares from biology class to work out what snakes I could create.

Any projects you’re working on or towards?

I am definitely working towards creating various triple visual carpets but I am also exploring variation within the marble morph of the children’s pythons. Quality over quantity is definitely a motto I follow. I’m also going to try my luck at breeding some axanthic black headed pythons. They are just something else in the aspidites genus.

What is your favourite pairing?

My favourite pairing this season was actually a simple one. I put a young marble male over my patternless female and out came 8 marbles and 2 wild types. At first, I thought I was looking at a different clutch and triple checked but nope. Turns out mum was het for marble which I was told she was not. All bubs are very high orange, one a paradox and one with a large white patch and white stripe. I also do love carpet pairings when you end up with a complete mixed bag of possibilities. They are the most exciting. You never know what you will get.

Any advice for people wanting to get a reptile as a pet?

Ask many questions and find yourself a mentor. Do your research, particularly when it comes to husbandry. Do not make the mistake of putting a young snake in a large enclosure. I know it seems like you’re doing the best thing for it, but it really is the complete opposite. Provide many hiding places and get creative. Seek advice from the breeder about the individual snake eg. eating habits and current set up. Learn how to quarantine properly if you have more than one reptile. If you do not do it properly you may as well not do it at all.

Where can people find out more about you and your animals?

You can find my Instagram page @elevenserpents. Feel free to DM me there with any questions or queries. Always happy to help where I can.

Vanilla thick shake

Mind behind the crime

Learn from others’ mistakes, not just your own.

Sarah Brasier

Sarah Brasier

Eleven Serpents
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